The Mahindra Kabira Festival marks its 8th edition in Varanasi, celebrating the legacy of the mystic poet Kabir through a rich blend of music, discourse, and heritage. The festival opened with a captivating Ganga Aarati and performances by a Carnatic Quartet, featuring artists such as Shreya Devnath and Mylai M Karthikeyan, along with the Mehfil collective, which showcases modern and traditional Indian music. Throughout the event, attendees can enjoy performances by notable artists including Madhup Mudgal and Sawani Mudgal, along with engaging conversations featuring esteemed speakers like Purushottam Agrawal and Dr. Archana Sharma. This year's festivities highlight a commitment to sustainability and cultural enrichment along the historic ghats of Varanasi.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Aadyam Theatre (1/11 - 1/12) | ||
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