This play is based on the life of Mukhtar Mai, who has been at the receiving end of the inhuman attitude of the society. It is the true story of a Pakistani woman from the impoverished village of Meerwala who was raped by an order of a local clan known as the Mastoi as the punishment for indiscretions allegedly committed by the woman`s brother. She chose to fight back, and in doing so, single-handedly changed the feminist movement in Pakistan.
Mukhtar Mai spoke up, and pursued the case, which was picked up by both domestic and international media. On September 1, 2002, an anti-terrorism court sentenced 6 men (including the 4 rapists) to death for rape. In 2005, the Lahore High Court cited ``insufficient evidence`` and acquitted 5 of the 6 convicted, and commuted the punishment for the sixth man to a life sentence. Mukhtaran and the government appealed against this decision and the Supreme Court suspended the acquittal and held appeal hearings. In 2011, the Supreme Court too acquitted the accused.
The play is based on Mukhtar`s life but it will not be an exact portrayal of her life because neither this was the first nor the last case of a women being subjected to indiscreet attitude of the society. The growing violence and callous attitude of this male dominated society should be brought to a wider spectrum of our world and that is the guiding spirit of this play.