Set in the small northern town Chakkar Chalaaye Ghanchakkar is an updated adaptation of Shakespeare's Comedy Of Errors by Gulzar Saab.
The story of the play is about two pairs of identical twins separated at birth and how their lives go haywire when they meet in adulthood. Raj Tilak and his wife are on a trip with their twin sons, both of whom they call Ashok. Since they look the same, they should be called the same, is Mr Tilak's reasoning. As fate would have it, they adopt another set of twins, both of whom they call Bahadur. An unfortunate accident then divides the family, leaving both parents with one child out of each pair of twins.
As the play begins, Ashok 2 is married to Sudha and Bahadur 2 is married to Prema. They all stay together with Sudha's younger sister Tanu in a small town. Into their lives enter the other Ashok 1, a man wary of strangers and suspicious in nature, and Bahadur 1, a bhaang (an Indian concoction containing marijuana) lover.
Now there are two Ashoks and two Bahadurs in the same city. This is more than their families, the Jeweller, the local bystander, the Inspector can handle.
And from there begins the journey of fun with not just bystanders but even spouses mistaking one for the other! It gives rise to several crackling scenes, none more than the one involving the visitor Ashok 1 and Sudha! Here the wife tries to make amends for her early misbehaviour with her husband. Turns out, she chooses the wrong man to do so!
Laced with such delicious ironies, Chakkar Chalaaye Ghanchakkar comes across as a sweet, clean comedy.
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