'Kahani Teri Meri' being told by veteran actor Kiran Kumar is based on two short stories penned by two of the most acclaimed story writers of Hindi literature in India - Munshi Premchand and Dharamveer Bharati. The play tries to capture the predicaments and complexities of human relationships, rooted in desires, weaknesses and human folly. While 'Kaaki', desires only to satisfy her palate, 'Gulki', has been ousted by her husband for bearing a stillborn and is fighting a silent battle for survival against her own people with a hump on her back. This play is performed with a comic tone and creates a quintessential rural environment on stage and since most of the city-people find their roots in villages in some way or the other, they feel directly connected to the play.
Spoken Fest
Kommune (2/1 - 2/2) | ||
Leather Talks
Leather Talks (11/11 - 11/11) | ||
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