With the conviction that children should not be exposed only to low comedy in the theatre, Motley is attempting Bernard Shaw's satire on war and heroism, for the Prtihvi Summertime Festival. Words are an integral part of theatre, sometimes THE most integral part. And this revival (with a younger cast) is being done with the intention of introducing our children to Mr. Shaw's exquisite use of words, and his genius as a playwright.
About the Group:
Motley was formed by Naseeruddin Shah and Benjamin Gilani in 1979. The group went on to produce several short and full-length English plays and has, for the last eight years, been performing in Hindustani as well. From being an itinerant troupe of two, Motley (later including Tom Alter, Ratna Pathak, Kenny Desai and Akash Khurana), now has a pretty large membership. The group has regularly toured the country, and has even taken their work to foreign shores.