On March 25th, Zee Theatre will present Agnipankh in Hindi. It is directed by Ganesh Yadav and features actors Mita Vashisht and Satyajit Sharma in lead roles.
Agnipankh is a historical drama set in newly independent India with the winds of change sweeping across the country. Durgeshwari or 'Baisaab' as she is reverently called is a wealthy Brahmin. She runs her zamindari household with an iron fist, making up for her husband's inability of looking after the family name. She takes all decisions in the house including ones that involve property, finances and even the personal lives of her family members. Her disdain for the lower castes and her need to preserve the stature of her family results in her losing touch with her responsibilities as a mother, wife and more importantly changing times. However when Gandhiji is assassinated by a Maratha Brahmin, trouble begins to brew and she faces the possibility of giving up everything that she has sacrificed her life for. Will Baisaab eventually hold on to her power?
The featured cast includes: Mita Vashisht, Satyajit Sharma, Raksha Shetty, Gulki Joshi, Somesh Agarwal, Dinkar Gavande, Sumukha, Prasad Jawade
Director : Ganesh Yadav
Playwright : Prabhakar Laxman Mayekar
Duration : 120 Minutes
Age Limit : 16 Years And Above
For tickets or more information, visit: http://www.zeetheatre.com/showcase/agnipankh/