The Woodstock International School's Drama Program presents Mark Brown's AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS April 13-15, directed by the school's drama instructor and former professional Atlanta actress Bethany (Irby) Okie.
In fall 2011, Woodstock students surprised audiences with their production of Learner and Lowe's Scottish tale BRIGADOON which garnered attention from both local and national newspapers. The show's large-scale, professional setting was reportedly drastically different from other productions Woodstock had previously performed. Now students anticipate that this semester's production of AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS will be just as successful as BRIGADOON was.
Based on the novel by Jules Verne, AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS tells the adventure of Phileas Fogg and his servant Passsepartout as they set out to circle the globe in an unheard of 80 days. Set in 1872, their travels are full of trains, boats, elephants, sleds, danger, romance and comic surprises. With a cast of 12 who portray 39 different characters, the audience will travel to seven continents for the original amazing race.
After spending seven years as a professional actor and musical director in Atlanta, GA, performing in numerous productions such as GUYS AND DOLLS, BIG RIVER, and KISS ME KATE, Bethany Irby Okie is currently in Northern India to work for Woodstock International School as the high school drama teacher. She holds a BFA in Musical Theatre from Shorter College.
Woodstock School is an international boarding school founded in 1854 and located in the first range of the Himalayas in India. Located in the Indian Himalaya the campus covers 300 acres of protected forest at an altitude of around 7000 feet above sea level. Woodstock's mission is to develop responsible global citizen and leaders by providing a world-class international education, rooted in the school's Christian heritage and values, for a diverse group of students.
For more information and tickets, visit the drama program blog or Woodstock School's website