National Centre for Performing Arts and Rangbaaz Group Productions presents a series of three comedies in Hindi, staring with KI BUCHHAAR, August 13 at Experimental Theatre.
Based on Pakistani writer Janab Shaukat Thanvi Sahab's novel Budhbhas, the play is about a rich and eccentric octogenarian, who lives a luxurious and flamboyant life and who eventually falls in love with a beautiful young girl in his neighbourhood, who also happesn to be his son's love interest.
In the meanwhile, the girl's father has a different match in mind for her; the consequences that ensue result in confusion, misunderstanding, jealousy and hilarious events.Tickets are Rs.270, 225, & 200 for members, and Rs.300, 250, & 200 for the general public.For more information, please visit