A classic children's story, Rabindranath Tagore's The Cabuliwala has been adapted for the stage as a touching play about the friendship between little Mini, the 5-year old Bengali girl and Rahman, the 'kabuliwalla' from Afghanistan. This tender, charming story encompasses love, friendship, humour, smiles, tears, music and dance. It will pull at the heartstrings of people of all ages.
Adapted for the stage by Gopal Sharman. Directed by Jalabala Vaidya.
Performed by Jalabala Vaidya, R.S. Raghu, Ananya Anil, Dhruv Shetty, Lubhanshi Jain and Akhara Repertory actors.
Tkts: Adults: Rs. 250 Children 12 & under: Rs. 150
Akshara Theatre, 11B, Baba Kharak Singh Marg (next to RML Hospital) New Delhi 110001. Tel: 01123361075.