A real family entertainment show on Budapest Operetta Theatre's main stage with spectacular visuals, featuring Kata Janza, Mara Kékkovács, Lilla Polyák singing musical and movie hits for the young and old alike. The show also features the theatre's celebrated musical stars Bernadett Vágó and Dávid Szabó, and choreographer and dancer Tamás Kocsis.
With songs from The Wizard of Oz, Lion King, The Sound Of Music, The Magic Flute, Mary Poppins, The Little Mermaid, Hercules, Madagascar and Vuk, this show (directed by Böhm György) is a real treat for children.
The spectacular visuals were created by IzzóVízió, but perhaps the real theatrical magic is even more exciting: with everything moving around the stage, from the scenery to the iron curtain.
Ages: For ages 3-99!