TV Exclusive: CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY Takes Over Broadway Sessions!

visibility 1K views calendar_month Nov 4, 2022

Broadway Sessions had a very sweet season premiere this last week as we welcomed cast members from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We danced Oompa Loompa-style, enjoyed heartfelt performances, and watched a couple 11 year old boys SING THEIR FACES OFF. Jackie Hoffman was unable to attend, but never fear- the cast celebrated her through dramatic readings of some of her finer TWEETS! Enjoy these performances by legendary John Rubinstein, Emma Plaeffle, Cory Lingner, Elliot Mattox, Ryan Sell, Jake Flynn and our sensational diva "Rising Stars" Nikisha Williams (bound for The Color Purple tour) and Brittany Dorazio.

#Broadway & Musical Theater
  # Online Video