Jobs, lovers, writing, the endless hassles of daily life for an adjunct professor at a community college. Throw in a student writing what seems like a plan for mass murder....what's a woman to do?
"I wrote this play because I was intrigued by the gray area between writing that is "creative" and writing that is "disturbing"--it all depends on circumstances and context. On college campuses--already a charged atmosphere because of numerous shootings nationwide--deciding what's merely creative expression and what's truly threatening could be a matter of life and death." -- Playwright John Levine
"I really enjoy the way John Levine has layered stories within stories, and how he has crafted characters that are easily relatable. We've all known someone who has gone through some variation of one or more of these stories, or lived them ourselves." - Director Rod Todd
Wordsmyth Theater is always on the look-out for bold, new works that deserve a voice; this is one of the criteria of their rigorous selection process. Throughout the year they receive hundreds of new plays, and through a meticulous reading and rating process, they end up with 6 to present throughout their season.
The reading is free and refreshments will be provided.
Who: Wordsmyth Theater Company
What: Reading of the new play by John Levine, What We Know and What We Don't Know About It
When: Monday, May 16, 2016 7:00 p.m.
Where: Main Street Theater, 2540 Times Blvd, Houston, TX 77005