The Ensemble Theatre celebrates its commissioned new work by Playwright/ Composer Carlton Leake, and Director/ Who/What: Choreographer Patdro Harris.
This epic new musical fairytale takes us to the imaginative and colorful kingdom of Abahu where it is time for the Royal Christmas Festival (a three hundred year old tradition). Every year the Call of Christmas is followed by the playing of the djembe (African drum) where everyone is gathered in the festival square. The djembe signifies the balance and harmony between man and nature. Trouble ensues when a curse by the king's twin sister and keeper of the mistletoe has befallen the kingdom. The curse brings chaos and struggle to the kingdom and leaves the drum lost in the forest of Christmas forgotten. Fourteen years later, the king's daughter, Princess Binah and her friend, Nika head out on a journey to find the drum, save the kingdom, and restore the true Spirit of Christmas.
Featured cast members include: Christina Alfred, Lauren Bogany, Roenia Thompson, Taylor Nelson, Timothy Eric, Detria Ward, Ron Johnson, Anthony Bogess-Glover, Tranice Shelton, Crystal Sharadin, Silvanus La'Toison, Larry Cooper, and Sara Gray.
Saturday , Novembe r 9, 8:00 When: Previews: 2013 p.m. Sunday, Novembe r 10, 3:00 2013 p.m. Wednesda y, Novembe r 13, 7:30 2013 p.m. November 14 -- December 22, Show Run: 2013 Thursday7:30 s p.m. 8:00 Fridays p.m. 2:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 s p.m.
Where: The Ensemble Theatre
3535 Main St.
Houston, TX 77002
Ticket Prices: $28 -- $55
The Ensemble Theatre's 2013-2014 Season is sponsored in part by grants from the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance, Texas Commission on the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts. United Airlines is the exclusive airline sponsor for The Ensemble Theatre. Djembe and the Forest of Christmas Forgotten is generously sponsored by Shell Oil Company.
The Ensemble Theatre was founded in 1976 by the late George Hawkins to preserve African American artistic expression and to enlighten, entertain, and enrich a diverse community. Thirty-seven years later, the theatre has evolved from a touring company operating from the trunk of Mr. Hawkins' car to being one of Houston's finest historical cultural institutions. The Ensemble is one of a few professional theatres in the region dedicated to the production of works portraying the African American experience. The oldest and largest professional African American theatre in the Southwest, it holds the distinction of being one of the nation's largest African American theatres owning and operating its facility and producing in-house. Board President Emeritus Audrey Lawson led the capital campaign for The Ensemble's $4.5 million building renovations that concluded in 1997. The Ensemble Theatre has fulfilled and surpassed the vision of its founder and continues to expand and create innovative programs to bring African American theatre to myriad audiences.