TUTS Underground presents LMNOP, running tonight, April 7 - 19 at The Hobby Center for Performing Arts - Zilkha Hall (800 Bagby St., Houston, TX, 77002).
Chaos arises when letters begin to fall from a town monument and government officials ban them one by one. The community depends on the strength of a determined teenage girl to fight for their freedom of speech. This unique musical is part romance, part clever word game and part adult fable that reminds us of how precious our liberties are and how important it is to have the courage to stand up for what we believe.
Tickets: $25 - $49. Go online at tutsunderground.com or call 713-558-8887.
Special Post-Show Event: Law & Order Night Friday, April 10 - Join us for a free, post-show talkback with a panel of Houston's judges, lawyers, and law enforcement as they discuss censorship and freedom of speech. The panel will be moderated by ABC-13 legal analyst and nationally recognized criminal and civil defense attorney, Joel Androphy.Videos