This Is My Brave, Inc. (TIMB), the national nonprofit organization dedicated to ending the stigma surrounding mental illness through storytelling, announces auditions for its upcoming Houston performance. Auditions take place Saturday, January 19 and Sunday, January 20 and the performance takes place Sunday, April 28 at Zilkha Hall. TIMB invites Houston-area community members to audition and share their personal stories about living with mental illness. No professional performing arts experience is necessary and personal essays, original music, poetry, and dance are welcome. Spring 2019 performances will be presented in Baltimore, MD; DeKalb, IL; State College, PA: Houston, TX; and Concord, NH.
Houston, TX Auditions
Saturday, January 19, 9am-5pm
Sunday, January 20, 9am-5pm
Audition Location: Village At Palm Center, 5110 Griggs Road, Houston, TX 77021
Register to audition:
Performance: April 28 at Zilkha Hall, Houston, TX
One in five American adults face mental health issues (National Institute of Mental Health), yet the topic continues to carry shame. This Is My Brave aims to end this stigma and silence by celebrating the stories of real people living successful lives with mental health challenges. Since its first show in 2014 in Arlington, VA, This Is My Brave: The Show has featured over 667 people sharing their stories in 55 performances across the United States and in Australia.
Each performance is produced by a local producer or partner organization, with support from TIMB. Auditions can encompass perspectives on any form of mental illness including depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, schizophrenia, PTSD, and more. Stories can be shared via spoken word essay, original poetry, or original song; caregivers and loved ones are also encouraged to audition. Pieces should be limited to five minutes.
More Audition Information:
Audition Tips:
This Is My Brave was co-founded in Virginia by Jennifer Marshall and Anne Marie Ames (1958-2017), two women passionate about ending the stigma surrounding mental illness, and saving lives through storytelling. In May of 2014, TIMB debuted its first ever live show in Arlington, Virginia at the Spectrum Theatre to a sold-out crowd of nearly 400. Over the past four years, the nonprofit organization has hosted performances across the United States and in Australia, including Greenville, SC; Valparaiso, IN (Chicagoland); Denver, CO; Iowa City, IA; Washington, DC; Baltimore, MD; Los Angeles, CA; Boston, MA; Lewiston, ME; Wheeling, WV; Boise, ID; New York, NY; and beyond. TIMB has been featured in The Washington Post and O, The Oprah Magazine, Stage-Directions Magazine, as well as many other publications. In 2019, TIMB will celebrate five years of brave storytelling. For more information about This Is My Brave, visit or