This production is being directed by the George-favorite, Kevin Crouch.
The George Theater is bringing The Foreigner to the stage for the very first time. This uproarious comedy is one of the funniest shows to ever hit the American stage.
Froggy, a British demolition expert who occasionally runs training sessions at a nearby army base in the deep hills of Georgia, brings his friend Charlie, a pathologically shy Englishman who has just learned of his wife's newest infidelity, to a friendly lodge for a period of rest and relaxation. In order to protect him from having to speak with anyone, Froggy tells the residents of the lodge that Charlie is from an exotic foreign country and speaks no English. But some folks in these parts of Georgia don't take too kindly to foreigners.
This production is being directed by the George-favorite, Kevin Crouch.*
The cast includes Kevin Dean*, David Gow*, John Johnston*, Susan Koozin*, Alyssa Marek, Jeff McMorrough, and Gabriel Mullen. The Production creative team includes Hannah E. Smith (Stage manager), Samantha Dante Patterson (Costume Designer), David Gipson (Lighting Designer), Charly Topper (Properties Designer), Steven C. Kemp (Scenic Designer), and Michael Mullins (Sound Designer).
The Foreigner opens with previews on Wednesday, January, 29 & 30, and officially opens January 31 at The George Theater. Shows run from Wednesday to Sunday until February 23.
There are no Sensory Friendly or Relaxed performances for this show. There are also no student matinees.