Standing Room Only Productions (SRO) is reviving FEELING ALRIGHT! - written by local, award winning playwright Michael Weems and conceived by Mary Minter, Rachel Landon and Wayne Landon.
In 1975, six friends and former rock band-mates reunite at their 10-year high school reunion. They share their lives and experiences since high school and relive their youth through the music that defined their generation. With songs by The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Aretha Franklin, Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker, and many more - FEELING ALRIGHT! is one unforgettable evening.
Directed by Vance Johnson with musical direction by Wayne Landon, FEELING ALRIGHT! features the talented Marco Camacho, Heather Hall, Chelsea Lerner, J.D. Rose, Jeff Taylor, Robin Van Zandt and the Feeling Alright Band.
Performance dates are May 15, 16, 17, 22 and 23 at 8:00pm, with a matinee on Sunday, May 18 at 2:00pm. All performances are at Obsidian Art Space, located at 3522 White Oak in the heart of the Heights and the White Oak Dining and Entertainment district.
To purchase tickets for FEELING ALRIGHT! visit or call 713-300-2358 for more information. We also invite you to like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter @sroprodco.