Stages Repertory Theatre celebrates its partnership with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) for the upcoming production of Next to Normal. For the months of May and June, Stages will feature their annual SURROUND--a series of programs, free to the public, that provide a deeper, more dynamic context for a play in the season. This season, the SURROUND will explore mental health awareness through thought-evoking post-show dialogues on Sunday matinee performances, a VIP cocktail event for key supporters of NAMI Metro Houston and Stages Repertory Theatre, and a public education program called “In Our Own Voice” where two trained speakers share compelling personal stories about living with mental illness and achieving recovery. Resources will also be available at every performance for interested patrons.
Kenn McLaughlin, Stages’ Producing Artistic Director, discusses the reasons behind the partnership, “Because Next to Normal opens up so many questions about mental illness, our partnership with NAMI is a natural step to a rigorous and informed dialogue about these oft-unspoken issues.” The story of Next to Normal focuses around a mother struggling with bipolar disorder and the distressing effects it has on her family. “Not only is it a brilliant musical, it is an insightful look at the issue of mental illness and the effects on all of us, not only the family struggling, but the community as a whole.” Stages hopes that these programs will get the community talking. “Next to Normal is a brilliant piece of art and will inspire dialogue that NAMI will be able to facilitate and develop so that the fullest possible connections between art and life can be made.”During the month of June, Stages will be featuring a student exhibit called, What is Normal? in the theatre lobby. After an exploratory Stages-led workshop discussing what is “normal” in our society, and what the “normal” family looks like, the students will respond to the question with unique works of art, poetry, photography, or writing to showcase their own impressions.