Flying saucers and saucy psychics and the living dead! OH MY!
Everybody thinks that Edward D. Wood Jr. created the worst movie ever made when he filmed Plan Nine From Outer Space. However, the truth is stranger than science fiction! Coming this June, the totally (un)real story is finally revealed in The Man with the Plan: Filmmakers from Outer Space! by Bryan Maynard. Studio 101, 1824 Spring Street, Houston, Texas 77007. Tickets: $25, Students/Seniors/CMR: $15. Email: to make reservations!
Ed Wood: Jonathan Moonen
Criswell: Steve Carpentier
Allan Smithee: Timothy Eggert
Aileen Smithee: Kacie Adams and Amanda Maynard (alternate performances)
Exalted Supreme Leader: Wayne White
Tor Johnson: John Raley
Vampira: Laura Bellomy
Klein & Kelton: Keenan Chiasson & Sam Denomy
Bela 2: Wayne White