Theatre Southwest presents "The Middle Ages" by A.R. Gurney directed by John Mitsakis and Kelly Walker. Get a first look at the cast below!
A bright and warmly humorous portrait of a would-be free spirit, whose turbulent individuality is deftly contrasted against the stodgy background he is determined to escape, and a girl pushed toward a life defined by an overbearing mother. In a series of flashbacks, this touching and at times poignant romantic comedy examines the conflict between the heart's desires and the perceived logic placed upon us by our parents and society. The show runs Sept 6 - Sept 28, Fridays and Saturdays, 8 pm (Matinee, Sunday Sept 15 at 3 pm). Tickets $17, Students & Seniors $15. Reservations: or email or call (713) 661 9505. Theatre Southwest is located at 8944A Clarkcrest, Houston, TX.
Myra (Melissa J. Mayo) suggests that Charles (Bob Maddox) join her for a nightcap.
Myra (Melissa J. Mayo) fusses over Eleanor (Samantha Walker) encouraging her to go meet boys.
Barney (Scott McWhirter) and Eleanor (Samantha Walker) meet for the first time.
Charles (Bob Maddox) admonishes Barney (Scott McWhirter) for causing a ruckus at the party.
Barney (Scott McWhirter) tries to woo Eleanor (Samantha Walker) with his dancing.