Main Street Theater will open its 2010-2011 MainStage season with George Bernard Shaw's riff on death panels, The Doctor's Dilemma, September 9 - October 3, 2010. The show is directed by Mark Adams and previews September 4, 5 and 8. A doctor who has developed a cure for tuberculosis can take only one more patient. He must decide between a kindly, poor, medical colleague and a charming young artist who is a genius but a scoundrel with a young and vivacious wife (with whom the doctor is somewhat in love).
Throughout history and certainly in the present day, there are medical treatments so scarce or costly that some people can have them while others cannot. Who is to decide, and on what grounds is the decision to be made? Shaw examines this very real dilemma with his customary wit and charm. Inspired by a London surgeon who made a fortune convincing people to let him remove their uvula, this play premiered in 1906 at The Royal Court Theatre in London with Harley Granville-Barker as the artist.Videos