"EaDo Playhouse?! We know what you're thinking... Okay, we assume to know what you're thinking... 'A) Do we really need another theater in Houston? B) Are they going to change their name next year? 3) Did I turn the stove off?' Honestly, we're thinking the same thing... But, hey, we're just trying to level out the arts-venue to Chipotle ratio in Houston. No, but seriously... In a world where a tiny-handed talking Cheeto in a toupée could be the next President of the United States, we feel that it's important for our community to bond together.
Let's face it, within the entertainment industry and beyond, society today is vicious. There are a lot of folks willing to steal a cane from an elderly woman for their shot at a thousand YouTube hits...And a lot of folks who will post an intentionally argumentative or hurtful status on Facebook just to entertain themselves with the comment section. Like, I get it: you think cat sweaters are 'inhumane.' There are so many divides happening within our communities, when we know that communities should be banding together to make this world a better place for everyone, cats with sweaters and cats sans sweaters.
That being said, we want to use the art in our space as metaphorical 'duct tape' for human connection. Sure, one little nonprofit arts organization can't singlehandedly end world hunger or fix all of those freaking potholes on Richmond Avenue, but we CAN offer a way to bring people together. Through togetherness, we can achieve great things. Only hand-in-hand can we make the impossible possible. Pow. Right in the feels.
Let's cut to the chase here. EaDo Playhouse is essentially a building in (surprisingly enough) the rapidly developing area of EaDo, or East-Downtown, Houston. Within this building, we will present plays, musicals, concerts, cabarets, cat sweater fashion shows and dance performances, as well as feature a gallery for photography, paintings and other such visual arts. So, what makes us different from all the other arts entities in town? Well... Practically nothing. Why should you use your hard-earned money to attend a performance at The Playhouse? That deserves a longer explanation. (Bear with us, we're almost done... And we're getting to the good part!)
EaDo Playhouse and its annual seasons of theatre guarantee an immersive, imaginative and innovative (oh, the alliteration!) experience for Houston audiences. Our primary programming will focus on introducing our community to brand new plays/musicals and underrepresented plays/musicals alongside better-known titles with new designs and concepts. Our goal is to allow our patrons and artists to make new discoveries together. Our completely convertible and purposefully intimate performance space will keep each production in the audience's laps (yes, we do mean literally). This all creates that strong connection to humanity that we mentioned earlier. See how we brought that full-circle?!
The Playhouse will also serve as an affordable rental space for performances and rehearsals. Personally, we don't feel that you should have to consider selling your extremely rare Beanie BabyTM collection or taking a jackhammer to the pockets of your loyal fans and patrons when producing art. The Houston art scene and artistic communities nationwide are suffering due to lack of funding in this rocky economy. We want to promote and encourage success for all of our fellow art creators and help keep art alive in our community!
In any case, if this extremely professional and well-written press release hasn't convinced you, come see for yourself! EaDo Playhouse opens its doors November, 2016. Check out our upcoming programming at EaDoPlayhouse.com or give our friendly, albeit mildly deranged, staff a call at 832-210-5200. Also, find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat, YouTube, MySpace and Xanga for the latest news and updates. "