Produced by Dirt Dogs Theatre Company and directed by Malinda L. Beckham, The Boundary is the story of a successful romance writer who has settled into a comfortable marriage with her sturdy husband. But her world gets knocked off its axis when a former lover - an anti-government radical wanted by the FBI - suddenly reappears and asks for her help in what will be his boldest and likely final act.
It forces her to reconsider her life's choices and decisions - and their consequences - and to examine the shifting lines between love and marriage, commitment and complacency, trust and betrayal, and life and death.
Run dates are as follows: March 25 and 26 at 8 p.m.; March 27 at 3 p.m.; March 31 at 7:30 p.m.; and April 1-2 at 8 p.m. It will be performed on the Matchbox 3 stage of the theatre complex, which is located at 3400 Main St. in Houston.
As a playwright, Williams has four New York production credits. He is also a novelist whose latest book, Nowhere Man, has been compared to House of Cards and Homeland by critics. Additionally, his screenplay about Texas U.S. Rep. Barbara Jordan has been optioned by independent producers and has won national recognition in scriptwriting competitions.
McKenzie is a widely known media personality who has worked for more than 25 years in Houston radio and has a background as both a stage actor and director. A nominee for the Texas Radio Hall of Fame, she is the creative director for RFC Media; a voice talent; an on-air personality for a number of online stations, including NASA's Third Rock Radio; and creative partner, executive producer, and contributing writer for Saint Julian Press.
For further information and tickets, visit or support via the Indiegogo campaign at