Company OnStage presents ROPE, thriller, written by Patrick Hamilton, directed by Hilary Henderson-Ritz, and produce by special arrangement with Samuel L. French.
For the mere sake of adventure, danger, and the "fun of the thing," Wyndham Brandon persuades his weak minded friend, Charles Granillo, to assist him in the murder of fellow undergraduate, Ronald Raglan. They place the body in a wooden chest, and afterwards they invite a few acquaintances, including Raglan's father, to a party, with the chest serving as a supper table. The suspense of horror are worked up gradually; thunder grows outside, the guests leave, and we see the reactions of the two murderers, watched closely by the suspecting lame poet, Rupert Cadell. Hitchcock crafted this horrific tale into a cinematic masterpiece in 1948 which starred Jimmy Stewart. Presented on stage, the suspense is magnified as the drama unfolds in real time.
Performances are Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:00 p.m. from May 22 - June 14, 2015, with two Sunday performances on June 7 and June 14 at 2:00 p.m. Ticket are $18.00 for regular seats and available through our online box office via our website at A five ticket package may be purchased for $60.00.