Inspired by their holiday hit show "A Charlie Brown Christmas: Unscripted," ComedySportz-Houston is launching a new late-night Saturday series aimed at reinventing the classics with improv. The first show in this adults-only series, "Star Wars: Unscripted," will open on Saturday, April 6th, 2013 at 10:30pm.
ComedySportz actors will mix up the 1977 sci-fi classic "Star Wars: A New Hope" using audience suggestions to reinvent the characters and situations, and encouraging the audience to cheer, jeer, and participate throughout the show. What if 3-CPO wasn't a protocol droid? What if Luke uses bad poetry instead of The Force? It's all up to the audience to decide in a hilariously raunchy parody that will never be the same show twice.
As Houston's longest-running improv comedy show, ComedySportz is well-known for family-friendly improv comedy. The Unscripted series, like their popular Ampersand! show on Friday nights, will be a departure, with adult-oriented language and themes. Because of this, Unscripted shows are limited to adults ages 17+.
"Star Wars: Unscripted" opens on Saturday, April 6th, 2013, with performances every Saturday at 10:30pm through June 29th. Tickets are $12 per person, or $8 for groups of 10 or more, and seating is General Admission. Reservations are recommended. Call (713) 868-1444 or purchase tickets online at
ComedySportz holds ComedySportz matches every Friday and Saturday at 8pm, and performances of the adults-only improv show Ampersand! Fridays at 10:30pm. All performances are at the ComedySportz Arena, 901 Town & Country Blvd. (at I-10 West and the Beltway).