The Classical Theatre Company's (CTC) is announcing that it will be moving from its home in Chelsea Market as of January 4, 2019. Its current location, which housed CTC's operation for the last four years, has been sold and all tenants must be out the first week of the new year.
CTC will be moving its final two productions of the 2018-2019 Season to the Black Box theatre at Queensbury Theatre (12777 Queensbury Lane Houston, TX 77024). So, both The Fair Maid of the West and Peer Gynt will be produced as scheduled in the new location.
"We're disappointed to have to move our operation, but more than that we're particularly sad to see one of the few remaining theatre spaces left in Houston get demolished. Dozens of arts groups rented from us throughout the year and now they'll be looking for a location too," says CTC Executive Artistic Director John Johnston. "The location in Chelsea Market was a dream come true. Unfortunately, all dreams come to an end."
The Classical Theatre Company is dedicated to boldly re-envisioning classical drama on the stage, in the community, and in the classroom through engaging and enlightening plays - bringing them new life and relevance while maintaining the integrity that the works deserve.