“The Mousetrap” is the story of a group of strangers stranded in a boarding house during a snowstorm… and one of them is a murderer.
Cast Theatrical Company presents Agatha Christie's "The Mousetrap" as the final production of its 2022 season.
A true classic by the grande dame of mysteries, "The Mousetrap" is the story of a group of strangers stranded in a boarding house during a snowstorm... and one of them is a murderer.
The suspects include the married couple who run the house, Mollie Ralston (played by Elizabeth Schneider) and Giles Ralston (played by Sam Martinez); Miss Casewell (played by Tricia Yurcak), a spinster with a curious background; Christopher Wren (played by Dan Giles), an architect who seems better equipped to be a chef; Major Metcalf (played by James Hernandez), a retired Army major; Mrs. Boyle (played by Ivannah Bandalan), a jurist who makes life miserable for everyone; and a stranger called Paravicini (played by Darin Mielke), who has appeared coincidentally with no prior reservation. Into their midst comes a policeman on skis, Sergeant Trotter (played by Prateek Karkal).
Performances for this classic murder mystery will be held at Cast Theatrical Company, 1909 Avenue G in Rosenberg (30 minutes outside of Houston) from October 7 - 23.
Show times are 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 2:30 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets are $22 each; discounts for senior, military and student patrons. For tickets, visit www.casttheatrical.com.