Ars Lyrica Houston, the Grammy-nominated early music ensemble, is preparing to celebrate 50 episodes of original programming in its online series Community Through Music. This milestone calls attention to an extensive offering of newly created content as well as marking the transition to paid programming for the benefit of its artists and continued high artistic standards. All programs in the series feature episodes that look back on accomplishments as well as forward to the new future for the performing arts.
"It's important for us as young professionals in the arts world to capitalize on this moment where the rest of the world is suddenly aware of how incredible the internet can be. I want to get arts professionals of my same age together in one room, not just to talk about challenges and hopes for the future, but to brainstorm concrete ways we can work together to strengthen the voice and perceived importance of the arts." The diverse group of American-based professionals is being assembled by Ars Lyrica staff member Emma Wine and will appear in a round-table discussion for the series Musical Moments. The episode is the penultimate offering in the fifty episodes of free programming. The organization has revamped its young professionals series and hopes that this episode will ignite curiosity among global audiences who are interested in connecting through the arts.
Behind the suite of programming is marketing associate Kathleen Staten. When the new reality of sheltering in place first took hold, Staten saw opportunity. "There are a standard set of audience objections to attending live events: parking, distance, time, expense. Online programming is the ultimate answer to breaking down barriers between us and our audience." While nothing can replicate the synchronicity an audience feels with live performance, the suite of programming offers targeted events that suit specific needs. "Whether you are looking for social, educational, or musical events, Ars Lyrica has something for every audience member."
Celebration programming:
Wednesday, July 29th at 6 p.m.: Baroque Cocktails | Weathering Storms
Saturday, August 1st at 10 a.m.: Musical Moments | The Future of the Arts
Sunday, August 2nd at 4 p.m.: Concert & Conversations | Reflection, Invention, Evolution
Social: Network with the stars! Join artists for BYOB cocktails and conversation. $25 one-time fee or $10/event
Educational: All educational programming is free with RSVP
Musical: Join artists for in-depth conversation on a vast array of topics. Includes live and pre-recorded music. $100 annually or $ 10/event
Concert broadcasts: $80 or $10/concert
All-inclusive: $150