The ARTS at MARKS will sponsor the 2nd annual H H Hawai`i Physical Comedy Fest. The fun starts with community workshops by Master Kumu Aitor Basauri on January 25, 2019. Seven performances follow by local and visiting artists will begin on Saturday, Jan. 26th , 7:30pm. The 11-time award winning show The Eulogy, the worst funeral speech ever by Michael Burgos will kick off the shows aiong with the local piece, Moringa, Tita, Ma`i, Maile featuring Slack-Key guitarist Macky Catania and performers Mareva Minerbi and Kukana.
Thursday, Jan. 31st, at 7:30 pm, Amanda Huotari, Artistic Director of the Celebration Barn in Maine will present her award-winning solo show Pretty Face, in American news, re-spun and fun, plus guests Isaac Kessler and Eva Cranky Panz as warm-up. The Ho`ike Showcase, Boot Camp Workshop Haumana Fun will be on Sunday, Feb. 3rd at noon.
Closing the Fest will be H H Hawai`i (the Show), the historic search for the force of laughter, aka aka, to be performed from Wed., Feb. 6 Sat., Feb. 9th at 7:30pm and Sun., Feb. 10th at 2pm. All shows are $10.
The only international workshop of its kind in Honolulu, Sun, Surf & Physical Comedy Boot Camp supports the growth of artists, performers, and all public speakers to understand their power in laughter or `aka`aka. Kumu Aitor will offer workshops over two weekends, Sun, Surf & Physical Comedy Boot Camp on Fri., Jan. 25 at 6pm Sun., Feb. 3. The six-day workshop is designed to transform attendees, to unleash inner fun and to find freedom. The Ho`ike Showcase will feature the haumana on Sun., Feb. 3rd at Noon.
Master Kumu Aitor Basauri arrives direct from his critically acclaimed comedy, A Christmas Carol in England. Kumu Aitor is a founding member of England's leading physical comedy theatre company, SpyMonkey. A Christmas Carol is an original adaptation performing to sold out performances and high critical acclaim in Liverpool, England, where he portrayed Charles Dickens with the flamboyant air of a stage hypnotist, according to The Times of London. Basauri has performed his own work with Cirque de Soleil in Las Vegas, and is a Master teacher at the Ecole Philippe Gaulier in France.
The H H Hawai`i Comedy Theatre Fest is at the ARTS at MARKS, 1159 Nu'uanu Avenue, Honolulu. To reserve or for more information on shows and showtimes, visit and,