Windward Community College's Theatre 260-Dramatic Production students present The Charge of 'Ai'ai tonight, February 14 through 23 at Paliku Theatre, a tale for the keiki about the myths, legends and heroes of Hawai'i, and good fun for the whole family.
The Charge of 'Ai'ai performed by WCC Theatre 260 students. Dates and Times:
Friday, February 14 & 21, 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 15 & 22, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, February 16 & 23, 4:00 p.m.
Tickets: $10 Students with valid ID/Senior/Military; $15 General. To Purchase Tickets: or call 235-7310 to charge by phone.
The Charge of 'Ai'ai is the first Windward CC Hawaiian Youth Theatre production based on the Maui mo'olelo Ku'ukakai, and weaves a magical and heartfelt tale of a father's legacy to his son, a terrible battle with a mighty eel, and the inception of fishing in Hawai'i. Written by Moses Goods, Storyteller and Cultural Educator at the Bishop Museum and directed by Windward CC Theatre Instructor Nicolas Logue.
Cast of student performers include Melissa Kaapana, Kalena Antone, Sarah Pfaltzgraph, Kenneth Murdock, Malia Galindo, Eric Edgehill, Marissa Walker, Natalia Gill, Noa Helela and Jennifer Belon.
For more information about The Charge of 'Ai'ai, or to learn more about Theatre 260 and other theatre classes offered at Windward Community College, contact Theatre Instructor Nicolas Logue at 236-9138 or go online to
Pictured: Windward CC Theatre 260 student Malia Galindo plays 'Ai'ai in the Maui mo'olelo "The Charge of 'Ai"ai". Photo by Orrin Nakanelua.Videos