The show opens on August 12th at 4:00pm at Tenney Theatre followed by performances on August 20th at 2:00pm and on September 2nd at 4:00pm.
Honolulu Theatre for Youth (HTY) opens its 69th season with an all new, revamped version of The Carp Who Would Not Quit and Other Animal Stories, by Reiko Ho and The HTY Ensemble. The show includes re-tellings of traditional fables from Japan and Okinawa that teach important lessons of perseverance, respect and kindness. Japanese and Okinawan music, language and culture are the heart of this interactive performance featuring clever animals and a whole lot of fun for children ages 3+ and their families.
The production opens for a brief run at HTYʻs home, Tenney Theatre, before heading out to the Neighbor Islands and then on to the Continent for National Tour this Fall. The team will spend four weeks traveling throughout the Neighbor Islands, then eight weeks on the Continent, visiting venues in 14 cities. The show is also a part of the 2023-24 season for the acclaimed Childrenʻs Theatre Company (CTC) in Minneapolis. The whole team will travel to Minneapolis in early 2024 for a five week residency at CTC, performing for school children and families.
"The Carp Who Would Not Quit includes some of my favorite childhood stories and was a joy to create," said creator/director, Reiko Ho. “It is very important to share our cultural stories, and we are honored and excited to pass on these tales to keiki on Oʻahu, the Neighbor Islands and the Continent." The show is interactive. Children are encouraged to call out the Japanese names for animals, and sing and dance along with resident ensemble members Hermenigildo Tesoro Jr., Matt Mazzella, and Serina Dunham.
The Carp Who Would Not Quit and Other Animal Stories will open to Oʻahu audiences on August 12th at 4:00pm at Tenney Theatre followed by performances on August 20th at 2:00pm and on September 2nd at 4:00pm. Tickets may be purchased online at or by calling 808-839-9885 ext 720. HTY Members receive tickets for shows as part of their membership.
Information on HTYʻs 69th season or on becoming a member of HTY can be found on their website: