T-Shirt Theatre proudly presents the world premiere of "Kipuka," an oasis in a lava field. Imagine... a fiery volcano filled with hot magma, flowing down a lush hillside, incinerating everything in its path. Lava burns at 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, hot enough to melt rock. And yet, an isolated knoll, a ridge or a cleft is surprisingly untouched. A small patch of earth, saved from nature's inferno. That oasis in a lava field, where life can begin again, is called "Kipuka." As T-Shirt Theatre searched for a way to approach the heat of bullying, cyber-bullying and teen suicide, Kipuka, an "island of life" emerged as the theme - explored by our youth company of 33 Farrington High School students.
T-Shirt Theatre receiveed funding from the Gift Foundation of Hawaii, to focus on helping other teens find their "Kipuka." When youth are scorched by bullying or feel close to suicidal melt down, the life line is often their connection with loved ones, a friend, or special a group that have their back. In addition to producing Kipuka, the Gift Foundation, challenged T-Shirt Theatre to take our stories beyond the confines of Kalihi. Over the course of this entire school year, T-Shirt Theatre will is producing an episodic video series, capturing storylines introduced in Fall public performances in November.
"KIPUKA: Teen Crisis Project" will be performed at the Farrington High School Auditorium
Thursday, November 16, at 7:30 pm
Sunday, November 19, at 4:30 pm
Admission is free. Suggested donation of $5 at the door.
For more information on T-Shirt Theatre call George Kon (808) 220-5003.
More About T-Shirt Theatre:
T-Shirt Theatre is a Community of Practice where young people come together around the practice of dramatic arts. Participants make a commitment to themselves and other company members to engage because they find value in learning, practicing the art, and in the culture of the community. Over the course of being a part of the community, participants experience an arc of development that results in their becoming contributing adult citizens.