Honolulu Theatre for Youth's Education Department invites children age 7-11 to join them for an undersea adventure. Registration is now open for Primary Players Fall 2018 program, "Tales from Under the Sea" where children will embark on a journey in which every child plays an important role. Participating in Primary Players inspires children to discover the creative fun of theatre. Through theatre games and dramatic exploration, the Players develop comfort and confidence with presenting playful performances and build their imaginative abilities.
Primary Players runs alternating Saturdays, September 15 - December 8, 9am - 11:30am, at Central Union Church. Registration is open to children age 7-11 and the application deadline is September 1. Registration fee is $300 per child or $500 for Fall/Spring Combo. Applications are available online at www.htyweb.org. For more information call the education department at 839-9885 ex. 704 or email us at edadmin@htyweb.org