Playing the lead role of the fiery young orphan, “Annie,” is Riley Newton, a veteran of DHT’s Shooting Star program. She is joined by a strong cast of skilled performers: Lisa Konove plays the tyrannical “Miss Hannigan”; Chris Gritti is the wealthy industrialist, “Oliver Warbucks”; and Warbuck’s secretary “Grace Farrell” will be played by Autumn Ogawa.
The cast would not be complete without Annie’s fellow orphans—“Molly” (Kiara Reeves), “Tessie” (Erisan Awaya), “Kate” (Kaili Delos Santos), “Duffy” (Lani Matsumiya), “Pepper” (Stephanie Zaharis) and “July” played by Kira Stone who will also stand-in as the “Annie” alternate.
"Annie" will be playing from December 7 – 30, 2012. Performances are at 8 p.m. Thursday – Saturday, 4 p.m. Sunday, and Saturday matinees at 3 p.m. on Decemer 15, 22, and 29. Extended performances are Saturday, December 29th at 3 p.m. and Sunday, December 30th at 4 p.m.
Single tickets are priced from $15. Call 733-0274 to charge by phone or purchase tickets online at
Photo Credit: Brad Goda
Riley Newton and Chris Gritti
Riley Newton, Marvin Rea, and Chris Gritti, with Cabinet Members
Drew Tandal, Leiney Rigg and Lisa Konove
Lisa Konove with the Orphans
Riley Newton and Phoebe