Metamorphoses, an award-winning, lyrical adaptation of Ovid's masterpiece by Mary Zimmerman, recounts ancient Greek mythological tales for a contemporary audience. Metamorphoses is onstage at Paliku Theatre October 21st through October 29th.
Midas, a man who covets only wealth, gains a horrific, supernatural power; Alcyone wanders in search of her drowned husband; Erysicthon offends the goddess Ceres and is driven to destruction by Hunger; Aphrodite smites the love-scorning Myrrha with an unnatural passion. In Orpheus and Eurydice, a poetic meditation on memory, loss and time is presented; Eros, Psyche, Phateon and his therapist, Pomona and Vertumnus, Philomen and his beloved wife-renowned gods, ineffable goddesses, playful nymphs and inimitable mortals populate this enchanting landscape. Metamorphoses is a Post-modern staging of these timeless stories of the eternal power of love to transform.
METAMORPHOSES show dates: October 21 & 22 (Fri. and Sat.), 8:00 p.m. (Post-show talk with cast on Saturday, October 22); October 23 (Sun.), 4:00 p.m.; October 26 (Wed.), 4:30 p.m.; October 27 - 29 (Thurs. - Sat.), 8:00 p.m.
Tickets: $5 Students/Students/Senior/Military; $10 General. To Purchase Tickets: or call 235-7310 to charge by phone. Due to adult situations and themes, this play is recommended for ages 12 and older. Running time is one hour and 25 minutes.
For more information about Metamorphoses, contact Director Taurie Kinoshita at 779-3456 or To learn more about Theatre 260 and other theatre classes offered at Windward Community College, contact Instructor Nicolas Logue at 236-9138, or go online to For more information about Palik? Theatre, visit