Windward Community College presents Oriental Faddah and Son, a semi-autobiographical chronicle of the relationship between a father and his son, delving into the nuances of an Okinawan family. The play runs March 13-22 at Paliku Theatre.
Oriental Faddah and Son is written by Lee A. Tonouchi, known as "Da Pidgin Guerrilla," the playwright of Uchina Aloha, Da Kine Space, and Gone Feeshing, which have all been presented by Kumu Kahua Theatre. Directed by Taurie Kinoshita who most recently directed Stories of Kupuna at Paliku Theatre, Macbeth for Hawaii Shakespeare Festival, and Way of a God at Kumu Kahua Theatre.
The cast includes Brandon Hagio, Po'okela Award recipient for Da Beer Can Hat (Kumu Kahua Theatre), Meenakshi Kutty featured in Once (Manoa Valley Theatre), Manuel A. Moreno, recently in Way of a God (Kumu Kahua Theatre), and Austin Yoshida, seen in Allegiance (Manoa Valley Theatre).
Staging the poems from Tonouchiʻs award-winning poetry book Significant Moments in da Life of Oriental Faddah and Son (Bess Press), the play investigates what it means to be Okinawan in Hawai'i, highlighting the values of the Uchinanchu, and reflecting on paternal relationships.
Those with an interest in Okinawan history and culture, poetry, pidgin literature, father/son relations or who just want to have an evening of provocative and humorous entertainment should see this show!
Tickets are avialable at or by calling 235-7315.