New Play Festival is a new festival, established early 2015. It is a three-day event, showcasing nine different newly written plays written by several local playwrights, including Ian Chong, Alvin Chan and Jasmine Fernandez. This is presented as part of Kumu Kahua Theatre's dark night series.
New Play Festival is the first production the company has produced, and their first venture at Kumu Kahua Theatre. The company consists of Producer Isaac Ligsay and Producers, Directors and Playwrights Alan Shepard and Jasmin Haugstuen Please.
The festival's nine plays depict different relationships between family members, friends, lovers and workplaces; it explores the future, the present local time, self-reflection, identity cultural diversity. The writers were limited to one month to submit their plays.
Actress Cindy Ramirez, who is appearing in the new short play entry "Bus Ride" said this about the New Play Festival:
"What's so great about the New Play Festival is that it's going to be an experience -- like entering a museum. Maybe you'll like something -- maybe some things not -- maybe you'll love some things so much you want them to stay with you forever. People can explore it like a gallery."
"And it's new writing, I think Hawai'i is ready for regular opportunities to be surprised. With this festival, people can look forward to new plays, just like they look forward to new movies."
The festival has a large, varied and talented cast of local actors. The directors are: Alex Munro, Jasmin Haugstuen Please, Alan Shepard, Jasmine Fernandez, Janice McGrath and Michael Donato.
Dates for the performances:
Sunday June 21st
Monday June 22nd
Tuesday 23rd
Performance times:
1st Section - 6:30 PM
2nd Section - 7:35 PM (approximate)
3rd Section - 8:40 PM
Each ticket includes the opportunity to attend the festival several times. Producer, Jasmin Haugstuen Please explains: "Each ticket is good for all three sections of plays, and patrons will receive one stamp for each section they see. So, you can watch one whole evening of plays, or see one, go to dinner and return the next night/s to see the other two! This way everyone can really enjoy all three sections, in their own time."
All audience members must either print out their pre-purchased tickets from Eventbrite, or purchase tickets at Kumu Kahua, an hour before the performances start each day.
For more information on tickets and promotions, watch this video!
"We started out with no money, after a lot of support and a great fundraiser, we have a budget. But we are still limited with time, and amount of time in the space," says producer and director Alan Shepard. "We all have to work on making the transitions smooth, as it is a long night of plays, and it will be fun to work all together on the three days we have before the festival begins. We are all aiming to keep it simple, but to still tell the stories on the level they deserve to be told."
For more information and insight to the festival, the rehearsals of the plays and the people involved, see the festival's Facebook page:
Kumu Kahua Theatre's Dark Night Series was created to offer other theatre groups, playwrights, and artists the opportunity to present their work to the community. This series is presented during dark nights - evenings when Kumu Kahua's regular season shows are not being performed. To be part of the Dark Night Series, artists must submit a proposal, which is reviewed by the Artistic Director and Board of Directors. From these proposals, projects are chosen that Kumu Kahua feels will promote the development of the theatrical arts and benefit local artists. This is an effort to enhance and enrich the cultural diversity and artistic climate of Honolulu.