Open auditions will be held to cast the World premiere of Uncles Regularly Scheduled Garage Party is Cancelled Tonight by Lee Cataluna. The show will be co-directed by Harry Wong III and Wil Kahele and runs June 1 through July 2, 2017.
Uncle's regularly scheduled garage party is cancelled for the first time in -- ever! The usual attendees show up and process their shock over the cancellation-- while they eat, drink, talk story and play music. Uncle isn't saying why the party is cancelled, but everyone has a theory: Illness? Financial troubles? Marital discord? Gambling problem? Eviction? Erosion of societal values and loss of culture? Or is Aunty just sick and tired of all their shenanigans?
The old friends spend the evening telling stories, laughing and sharing food. But it's not a party, because Uncle's regularly scheduled garage party is CANCELLED!
There will be a free audition workshop held from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, Thursday March 16, also at Kumu Kahua Theatre. This workshop is an opportunity for all interested to work with the script and directors, and learn the best way to prepare for this audition.
The workshop is free, but space is limited. Call 536-4222 or email to reserve your spot.
Directors Wong and Kahele are looking for 6 females and 7 males to play the following roles:
Uncle - Male, 60s, plays guitar and sings
Cubby - Male, younger than Uncle. Is always at the party before anyone else
Delbert - Male, 40s, fisherman and truck driver
Zanita - Female, 50s, bossy
Julene - Female, 20s, Zanita's daughter
Minette - Female, 30s, works in a bank or as a realtor
JJ - Male, 30s police officer
3J - Male, 10, JJ's son
Ed Takahashi - Male, 40s or 50s talks simultaneously with his wife Lillian
Lillian Takahashi - Female, 40s or 50s
Matt - Male, 20-something hipster, born and raised in Honolulu
Teja - Female. 20-something hipster, Matt's girlfriend, lived here all her life
Aunty - Female, 50s or 60s. Married to Uncle
Printed scripts are available for loan with a $10 cash deposit at the Kumu Kahua Theatre office weekdays between 11am and 3pm. Please call 536-4222 before coming to the theatre. Scripts can also be downloaded here.
For further information, call the Kumu Kahua Theatre office at 536-4222.