Kumu Kahua Theatre will hold a two-day intensive workshop on the Michael Chekhov acting technique in September.
Michael Chekhov was the nephew of playwright Anton Chekhov and was Stanislavsky?s ?most brilliant pupil.? He was known as one of Russia?s most talented and innovative actors, who intrigued his audiences with his imaginative and genuine character interpretations. After his exile from Russia and stays in Germany, France, England, he settled in America, where he continued his pioneering work.
He developed an acting technique; a ?psycho-physical approach?, in which transformation, impulse control, imagination and inner and outer gesture are central. This technique offers clear and practical tools in working with imagination, feelings and atmosphere. Most importantly, it opens up the actor?s emotional availability and inspires courage to freely explore the role. It nourishes the actor?s ability to connect with the material and their acting partners and is emotionally and psychologically healthier than many other popular acting techniques. This technique goes beyond personal experience and leads actors to draw on their own ability to create and naturally respond to the experience of the character.
This unique opportunity offers an introduction to the use of the Michael Chekhov technique led by skilled director and actor-trainer, Ashley DeMoville. Our Two-Day Intensive Workshop will change the way you think about acting and will give you the necessary skills to start using the technique immediately. Actors of all experience levels will leave this workshop rejuvenated and ready to keep playing!
About Ashley DeMoville:
As an Associate Member of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society, Ashley directs both freelance and educational theatre. She has worked as an actor and director in Hawai'i, California, and New Zealand and has directed award-winning pieces in both theatre and film. A specialist in actor training, Ashley has taught a variety of acting techniques on island including Introduction to Asian Acting Styles at UHM, TV/Film Acting at Kathy Muller Talent Agency, and Beginning Acting in the UHCC System. She has trained in the teaching of the Michael Chekhov Technique with both the renowned Joanna Merlin and with The Great Lakes Michael Chekhov Consortium.
Kumu Kahua productions are supported in part by The Hawai?i State Foundation on Culture and Arts through appropriations from the Legislature of the State of Hawai?i and by the National Endowment for the Arts. Also paid for in part by the taxpayers of the City & County of Honolulu; the Mayor?s Office of Culture and the Arts; The Hawai?i Tourism Authority, McInerny Foundation (Bank of Hawaii, Trustee); Hawaiian Electric Industries (HEI) Charitable Foundation and Hawaiian Electric Company; The Star Advertiser and other Foundations, Businesses and Patrons.