Kumu Kahua Theatre proudly presents Da Beer Can Hat by Darrell H. Y. Lum, directed by Denny & Karen Hironaga, running May 23 June 23, 2019.
Bobo is a little slow and his father wants to send him away. Despite injuries, harassment, and discrimination, Bobo never complains after all, he may not have much but Bobo does have a community that accepts and loves him. Da Beer Can Hat is based on Darrell Lum's original short story of a mentally handicapped individual and his best friend navigating life together.
The show is directed by Denny and Karen Hironga. Denny is a filmmaker who also co-directed The Hilo Massacre at Kumu Kahua Theatre. Karen has appeared in several plays at Kumu Kahua, including Lee Cataluna's Uncle s Regularly Scheduled Garage Party is CANCELLED Tonight! and Flowers of Hawai'i. Karen also appeared in the film The Descendants with George Clooney.
The cast includes Kumu Kahua fan favorites Brandon Hagio of The Watcher of Waipuna, Dead of Night, Who Killed Gilbert Botello?, and Uncle's Regularly Scheduled Garage Party is CANCELLED Tonight!, Maile Kapua'ala of Demigods Anonymous, Uncle's Regularly Scheduled Garage Party is CANCELLED Tonight! And Buffaloed! at Kumu Kahua and Rolling the R's at The ARTS at Marks Garage, and Daryl Bonilla of Living Room and Who Killed Gilbert Botello? and several Hawaii Five-0 episodes.
This production contains adult language and themes.
This play runs: Thursday, Friday & Saturday 8pm: May 23, 24, 25, 30, 31; June 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 2019. Sundays 2pm: May 26; June 2, 9, 16, *23, 2019.
*American Sign Language Interpretation available upon request.
Following the performance on Friday, May 31st there will be a free talk story with the playwright, directors and cast following the performance. These talk stories are offered on the 2nd Friday of each production run and include an opportunity to gain behind the scenes insight from the director, cast and playwright (when available).
Hometowns of the cast of Da Beer Can Hat: Ku umakaonaona (Maka) Bailon, Honolulu, HI; Darryl Bonilla, Waianae; Ron Encarnacion, Kailua, HI; Eddy Gudoy, Honolulu, HI; Brandon Hagio, Mililani, HI; Maile Kapua ala, Nanakuli, HI; Jason Lee Hoy, Ewa Beach, HI; Jocelyn Maki ilei Ishihara, Kaneohe, HI
Tickets for performances can be purchased with a credit card by calling 536-4441, or by visiting the box office at 46 Merchant Street (corner of Bethel and Merchant Streets, downtown) between 11am and 3pm Monday through Friday. Tickets can also be purchased at KumuKahua.org. Ticket prices are $5-$25
Kumu Kahua productions are also sponsored in part by a grant from the City and County of Honolulu, The Hawai'i Tourism Authority, McInerny Foundation (Bank of Hawai'i, Trustee); The Iwamoto Family Foundation, and other Foundations, Businesses and Patrons. Costuming for this production is provided by the Hazel Kakimi Foundation.