Open auditions will be held to cast the group ensemble production of 38 Minutes at Kumu Kahua Theatre. The show is based on the January 2018 ballistic missile scare in Hawaii and will be directed by Squire and Monica Coldwell. The show will run July 12 - July 29, 2018.
At 8:07 AM on January 13, 2018, residents of Hawaii were informed that they were under the threat of an inbound ballistic missile. Shortly after that day Kumu Kahua Theatre broadcasted a call for submissions from playwrights inspired by that Saturday morning. 38 Minutes will be a culmination of the scenes and monologues that were submitted.
The concept and actual construct of the show will be developed by Directors, Squire and Monica Coldwell, working with an ensemble of actors. Rehearsals will consist of an organic development process with heavy group collaboration to create the final production, which may include elements of improvisation and audience and actor interaction.
Directors, Squire and Monica Coldwell, are looking for 4-5 actors to play a diverse mix of people in Hawai'i:
Actors should come to the audition prepared with a 30-60 second monologue of personal experience of the missile scare. They should dress comfortably and be prepared to move.
The auditions will be held at Kumu Kahua Theatre, at 46 Merchant Street, Honolulu:
2-5pm Saturday, June 2, 2018
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm Sunday, June, 3, 2018
Potential callbacks on Tuesday, June 5 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
If you are interested in being a part of the process of this show, but not as an actor, there are opportunities for auditing this process and/or becoming involved as a collaborator, stage manager, tech or assistant. If that intrigues you, you should come to the audition as well.
The Directors:
In addition to extensive improvisation experience, Squire Coldwell has danced professionally with Honolulu Dance Theatre, Tau Dance Theatre and Iona Dance Company. He has been a technician for Kumu Kahua Theatre, Honolulu Theatre for Youth, Hawaii Theatre, and the Hawaii Convention Center. He has experience in designing props, sets, sound, and costumes for Kumu Kahua Theatre, Honolulu Theatre for Youth, Mid Pacific School of Arts, and Kamehameha Schools. As a professional actor he has worked for the Sex Abuse Treatment Center, Kalihi-Palama Health Center, and Honolulu Theatre for Youth.
Monica Coldwell graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Theatre and Dance from UH-Manoa. She has served as an Assistant Director, Stage Manager, Technician, Tour Manager, Box Office Assistant, Prop and Costume Designer, and Company Actor for the Honolulu Theatre for Youth. She worked as an actress for the Sex Abuse Treatment Center and Kalihi-Palama Health Center and spent over ten years making her living in Hawaii as a professional theatre artist. Moniaca also has extensive experience in improvisation training, company development and performance.
For further information, call the Kumu Kahua Theatre office at 536-4222, or email
Kumu Kahua productions are supported in part by The Hawai'i Tourism Authority, the Hawai'i Community Foundation, The Kosasa Foundation, McInerny Foundation (Bank of Hawaii, Trustee); Hawaiian Electric Company; Hawaii Public Radio, The Star Advertiser and other Foundations, Businesses and Patrons.