The show will be directed by Taurie Kinoshita and runs March 18 – April 3, 2021.
Open auditions will be held to cast the World Premiere of Daniel A. Kelin II's 'other: a micro-story. The show will be directed by Taurie Kinoshita and runs March 18 - April 3, 2021. Both the auditions and performances for this production will be held live, online.
Told backward in time during the 2000s, featuring the traditional trickster god Letao, 'other: a micro-story illustrates the challenge of fitting into a new world faced by the Marshallese in Hawai'i, who arrived dreaming of a future for their families.
Notorious trickster Letao shepherds both audience and actors alike through this backward theatrical journey of Abija and Hirlynn, two Marshall Islands youth, who set off for America and face challenges fitting into a frustratingly abstruse world. As the young islanders discover unexpected truths about their island home and encounter cultural misconceptions, Letao dispenses occasional-and occasionally uninvited-insights and interruptions in his enthusiastic craving to showcase the contradictions of humans and humanity.
Director Taurie Kinoshita is looking for actors to fill the following roles:
Letao - Interlocutor
Abija - male, 17, Marshallese.
Ukulele Guy - male, early 20's, from an island in the FSM
Hirlynn - female, 16, Marshallese.
Uncle - male, 35, Marshallese.
Murtina - female, 20, Mashallese.
Ken - male, 18, Marshallese.
Ruthy - female, 25, Marshallese.
Jorju - male, 40, Marshallese.
The character Letao performs the following roles as part of his storytelling:
Boss Guy, Shelter Gal, Baby Broker, Doctor Man, Teacher Lady
An ensemble plays music, dances, and performs other roles:
Translation Person
Elderly Woman
Boat Boys: Moses, Lucky, Junior, Rally, Lolin
Island Relatives: Sylvia, Malynn, Old Man
Other Boys (unnamed)
Adoption Fixer and two Women
Plus, additional characters for School, Basketball, Hospital, Shelter, Park, Outer Island
All actors should be familiar with the story. A digital copy of the script can be found here.
If you would like to audition, fill out this audition sheet and email to receive the audition Zoom meeting link.
NOW AVAILABLE: Electronic scripts for all 50th season Kumu Kahua productions. Auditions will consist of readings from the script.
For further information, call the Kumu Kahua Theatre office at 536-4222, or email