Featuring Hawaiian language, chant, and hula, this opera explores universal themes of cultural pride, identity, and sacrifice.
Hawai‘i Opera Theatre will present its new commission, "The Sheltering Tree," the first-ever professional Hawaiian opera. This historic production will illuminate pivotal events from the 1840s in Hawaiian history, bringing to life the vibrant story of Hawai'i's struggle for independence and how a Hawaiian hero sacrificed everything for his love of king and country.
"The Sheltering Tree" narrates the intertwined tales of two significant events: the restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom following a six-month British takeover and the securing of treaties from America, Great Britain, Belgium, and France, recognizing Hawai‘i as an independent nation. These events, celebrated today as Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea and Lā Kūʻokoʻa, are poignantly told through the story of Timoteo Haʻalilio, a diplomat and unsung hero who dedicated his life to his country, alongside King Kamehameha III, Kauikeaouli, and missionary and advisor William Richards.
Featuring Hawaiian language, chant, and hula, this opera explores universal themes of cultural pride, identity, and sacrifice, set against the colorful backdrop of mid-19th century Hawai‘i. The creative team includes composer Herb Mahelona, librettist Victoria Nālani Kneubuhl, and director and kumu hula Patrick Makuakāne. Hawaiian baritone and international opera star Quinn Kelsey is slated to create the titular role of Timoteo.
Founded in 1960, HOT has a rich history of presenting primarily Eurocentric operatic repertoire. However, recognizing and honoring the cultural richness of Hawai‘i, HOT has embraced a new vision. Earlier this year, the Board of Directors adopted Mission, Vision, and Values statements emphasizing the importance of diverse perspectives and cultural histories in enriching the operatic repertoire. This new direction seeks to engage and resonate with Hawai‘i's diverse communities, reflecting the unique racial and cultural makeup of the islands.
A workshop reading of "The Sheltering Tree" is scheduled in Honolulu in August 2024, featuring a week of rehearsals culminating in a full musical run-through for key HOT staff and the creative team. This critical phase will refine the opera's dramatic flow and vocal writing, ensuring a powerful final production.
During the weeklong workshop, a semi-public performance of excerpts along with a panel discussion featuring the creative team will be presented to board members and community leaders. Press invitations are available for parts of the workshop at Studio 101, with a Pau Hana event on August 22nd at 5:30 p.m. at Studio 101.
"The Sheltering Tree" is set to premiere in HOT's 2025-2026 Season at the Neal S. Blaisdell Concert Hall, marking a significant milestone in Hawai‘i's operatic history.
"The Sheltering Tree" tells the compelling story of Timoteo Haʻalilio, Royal Secretary and close friend to King Kamehameha III, and his mission from 1842-45 to secure international recognition of Hawai‘i as a sovereign nation. Despite facing immense challenges, Haʻalilio's efforts brought the Kingdom of Hawai‘i to global attention, leaving a lasting legacy celebrated through this operatic tribute.