Led by HTY's professional drama education staff, HTY's Primary Players is a youth performing group that inspires kids to discover the creative fun of theatre.
The spring session is themed "Hidden Secrets of Your Favorite Tales." What if ... Goldilocks was secretly not as sweet as you think? What if ... Jack was not so brave as the story tells you he is? What if ... Prince Charming was just not a charming fellow at all? Through games and dramatic exploration, the Players develop comfort and confidence with presenting playful performances and build their imaginative abilities.
DATES: Every other Saturday: Jan. 16, Jan. 30, Feb. 13, Feb. 27, Mar.12, Mar. 26, Apr. 9, Apr. 23, May 7, May 14; Parent Play Day Mar. 12, Sharing Day May 14
TIME: 9 - 11:30 a.m.
FOR: Kids ages 7 - 11
PLACE: Sacred Hearts Academy
COST: $300 ($250 multi-child discount).
REGISTER: Call 839-9885 ext. 704 or email edadmin@htyweb.org, or download form at www.htyweb.org. Deadline to register is January 5, 2016.
Honolulu Theatre for Youth is Hawaii's non-profit professional theatre company providing theatre and drama education programs that make a difference in the lives of Hawaii's young people and families. Founded in 1955, HTY is recognized the world over as one of America's most honored theatres.