Honolulu Theatre for Youth gratefully acknowledges the following foundations and businesses for grants in support of the 2008-2009 season.
Assisting economically disadvantaged students to attend HTY's productions, Target gave $36,000; the Larson Charitable Foundation gave $10,000.
Supporting HTY's season of educational theatre programs, the Samuel N. & Mary Castle Foundation gave $10,000; the Annie Sinclair Knudsen Fund gave $10,000 for tours to Kauai; the Harold K. L. Castle Foundation gave $5,000 for programs for Windward youth; the George N. Wilcox Foundation gave $10,000 for tours to Kauai; the John R. Halligan Charitable Foundation gave $8,500; the Elsie H. Wilcox Foundation gave $8,000 for tours to Kauai; the Shuler Family Foundation gave $5,000; the Friends of Hawaii Charities gave $5,000; KTA Superstores gave $3,000 for tours to the Big Island; the Lanai Community Benefit Fund gave $2,500 for tours to Lanai.
In support of HTY's drama education programs, the Robert Emens Black Foundation gave $117,000; the Sidney E. Frank Foundation gave $50,000; the Bretzlaff Foundation gave $20,000; the Thomas J. Long Foundation gave $15,000; the Atherton Family Foundation gave $10,000.
The Friends of the Library gave $10,000 to support HTY performances in statewide libraries.
The Public-Private Partnership for Literacy Trust Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation gave $5,000 in support of HTY's production of Musubi Man.
Managing Director Louise King Lanzilotti said, "We are tremendously grateful to receive such broad community support for our statewide theatre and drama education services for youth. It costs approximately $1,300,000 annually to run HTY, and a little less than half of that budget is recovered through ticket sales. Through their generosity these organizations have made a positive impact in the lives of more than eighty thousand students and families across the state this season."
Honolulu Theatre for Youth is Hawaii's non-profit professional theatre company providing theatre and drama education programs that make a difference in the lives of Hawaii's young people and families. Founded in 1955, HTY is recognized the world over as one of America's most honored theatres.Videos