Honolulu Theatre for Youth (HTY) is looking for company actors, designers, and theatre technicians for its 2019-2020 season.
HTY is a professional theatre company and all performers are paid employees and must be available for weekday morning performances. Full time company actors receive benefits including health and dental insurance, paid vacation and retirement. Auditions are by appointment only on April 10, 4:00-6:00pm at Tenney Theatre. Candidates should prepare a short monologue and song of any style. Accompanist will be provided. Please bring sheet music. Contact Eric Johnson at artistic@htyweb.org to schedule an appointment or with additional questions.
Designers and technicians may send a resume to Eric Johnson at artistic@htyweb.org to be considered for full, part time and overhire.
Honolulu Theatre for Youth produces professional theatre and drama education programs that make a difference in the lives of young people, families, and educators in the state of Hawai'i. For more information, visit htyweb.org.