Each year Kumu Kahua Theatre co-sponsors a playwriting contest with the University of Hawai'i at M?noa Theatre and Dance Department in its effort to bring new and exciting drama to the stage.
Entries must be postmarked no later than today, January 2, 2014, to qualify.
Prizes are awarded in three separate categories.
For the Hawai'i Prize ($600), which is open to residents and non-residents of Hawai'i, the play must be set in Hawai'i or deal with some aspect of the Hawai'i experience.
For the Pacific/Rim Prize ($450), which is open to residents and non-residents of Hawai'i, the play must be set in or deal with the Pacific Islands, the Pacific Rim, or the Pacific/Asian American experience.
For the Resident Prize ($250), which is only open to residents of Hawai'i at the time of submission, the plays may be on any topic.
One prize will be offered in each category. All plays must be original and must not involve adaptation from any copyrighted source. Also, they should not have received previous production in their current form.
To receive a flyer giving full details of the contest rules, please call the Kumu Kahua Theatre office at 536-4222, or for a posting of the contest rules, check out our web site at www.kumukahua.org.
Kumu Kahua productions are supported in part by the State Foundation on Culture and Arts through appropriations from the Legislature of the State of Hawaii and by the National Endowment for the Arts. Also paid for in part by the taxpayers of the City & County of Honolulu; the Mayor's Office of Culture and the Arts; The Annenberg Foundation; McInerny Foundation (Bank of Hawaii, Trustee); Hawaiian Electric Company; The Star Advertiser; and other Foundations, Businesses and Patrons.