Based on a true story and a hit movie, CALENDAR GIRLS comes to the DHT stage on January 26th. A little risqué-but a lot of fun---the play achieves exactly what it sets out to do. It makes you laugh; it makes you cry; it leaves you feeling better about life than you did when you walked in the door.
When Annie's husband John dies of leukemia, she and best friend Chris resolve to raise money for a local hospital. They manage to persuade four friends to pose nude with them for an "alternative" calendar. The news of the women's charitable venture spreads like wildfire, and hordes of press soon descend their small village in the Yorkshire Dales. The calendar is a success, but Chris and Annie's friendship is put to the test under the strain of their new-found fame.
Note: There is no actual nudity in this production, but there is the carefully staged appearance of nudity.
Directed by Ahnya Chang and written by Tim Firth. Starring the ensemble of Betty Bolton, Colleen Parlee, Dawn Powell, Liz Stone, Holly Holowach, Susan Hawes, Zoe Sher, Regina Ewing, Ann Brandman, Lisa Konove, Shane Noel, Mo Radke, Jesie Rocetes and Brian Bond.
Shows are Thursdays - Sundays (expect for opening week). Evening shows start at 7:30PM Thursday - Saturdays. Sunday shows are at 4:00PM and Saturday matinees are at 3:00PM.
For Ticket Information: or Diamond Head Theatre Box Office Tel: 808-733-0274. M-F 8:30am - 4:30pm and Select Saturdays 8:30am -1pm.
Heralded as the "Broadway of the Pacific," Diamond Head Theatre has delivered the best live community theatrical entertainment since 1915. The theatre showcases Hawaii's finest local talent, frequently brings in guest artists, and supports performance arts education through a variety of community programs, including the acclaimed Shooting Stars program.
Photo Credit: Tracy Wright-Corvo