The 2021 conference will be held on O'ahu and Hawai'i Island as virtual events.
Children's Literature Hawai'i has announced dates for its June 2021 conference titled A Net Full of Stories, Imagined and Real. The 2021 conference will be held on O'ahu and Hawai'i Island as virtual events. On O'ahu, the conference will stream online June 4-8 from Tenney Theatre and Chaminade University. On Hawai'i Island, the conference will stream online on June 7 from the University of Hawai'i-Hilo and requires a separate registration. Information and conference registration are on CLH's website:
The conference features Lehua Parker, author of several award-winning books including 2017 N?"n?" Award nominee One Boy, No Water; and Caren Loebel-Fried, an eco-focused, award-winning artist and author known for her gorgeous hand-colored block prints. The two featured guests will be presenting keynote speeches, holding professional sessions, and leading teen workshops. Other presenters include local and national writers, artists, librarians, educators, scholars, and performers. More information on the two featured guests can be found on their respective websites: and
"If you are a parent, grandparent, teacher, librarian, writer, illustrator, scholar, or anyone interested in children's literature, we invite you to learn more at and join us for some safe, educational, and virtual fun." - Conference Director Kelly Murashige
The conference is geared for all ages. Keiki will enjoy Story Magic activities including crafts and a performance by Honolulu Theatre for Youth. Teens may attend adult sessions and sign up for special Teen Track Workshops with featured guests Lehua Parker and Caren Loebel-Fried. Adults may sign up for professional workshops and attend 20+ sessions that are organized into three strands: Interpreting Literature, Using Literature, and Creating Literature.
Esha Neogy, Consulting Conference Director, shared, "I was the Conference Director four times in the past, and one of my favorite things was always how excited teachers were to have this rare chance to just talk to each other about how they solve their common challenges in the classroom. In fact, all of our various audiences seem to enjoy networking and comparing notes, so we've planned some open time slots for just this sort of conversation."
This year's conference is sponsored by the Hawai'i Council for the Humanities, UH Manoa Department of English, Chaminade University of Honolulu, UH HIlo Department of English, and SEED UH Manoa. Contributing organizations include Honolulu Theatre for Youth and Hawai'i State Public Library System.
Children's Literature Hawai'i (CLH) believes that literature should be a primary part of every child's education. CLH promotes opportunities to experience, interpret, and create children's literature through activities such as reading, storytelling, art, drama, song, and scholarly discussion.