Note: Click on a Column Head to Sort/Graph by Column. Complete Statistical Data Not Available for Shows Prior to 1996.
SHOW | Total Gross | Avg. Gross | Avg Tix Top Tix | Seats Sold | Total Seats | Perf. | Avg % | OHIO STATE MURDERS | $2,942,872 | $294,287 | $69.29 $223.00 | 42,389 | 78,110 | 73 | 54.08% | THE SIGN IN SIDNEY BRUSTEIN'S WINDOW | $5,297,888 | $529,789 | $84.44 $337.00 | 62,985 | 85,520 | 80 | 73.65% | GUTENBERG! THE MUSICAL! | $19,384,438 | $969,222 | $126.20 $497.00 | 152,583 | 163,978 | 154 | 93.12% | THE HEART OF ROCK AND ROLL | $3,663,539 | $281,811 | $55.18 $267.00 | 68,069 | 101,864 | 96 | 68.30% | LEFT ON TENTH | $8,542,846 | $449,623 | $95.16 $267.00 | 89,560 | 156,555 | 147 | 57.86% |
Note: All data presented for informational purposes only. makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of the data, or the matter in which it's presented. Source: The Broadway